5 Biggest Fintech Compliance Challenges (and How to Tackle Them)

Fintech compliance is no small task, and overcoming these regulatory obstacles requires great planning and discipline.

The fintech and investment management software is booming.

Valued at roughly $340 billion and growing fast, the fintech industry shows great promise and opportunity for companies that disrupt, innovate, market, and sell their product well.

However, with this rapid growth comes a complex web of regulatory requirements that can be a major hurdle for software providers.

In fact, one study found that 93% of fintechs find it challenging to meet compliance requirements.

From data privacy to cybersecurity to investor protection, navigating the compliance landscape is critical to avoid costly penalties, protect your reputation, and build trust with your clients.

5 Most Common Compliance Challenges for Fintechs

1. Staying Ahead of the Curve

Keeping up with new and changing regulations can be overwhelming, especially for smaller firms with limited resources.

The finance and technology industry is subject to frequent updates and amendments to existing rules, making it a challenge to ensure ongoing compliance.

2. Data Management and Integration

Investment data is often complex and spread across multiple systems. Thus, ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and compliance during collection, processing, and storage is critical.

Fintech and investment software providers must implement robust data governance frameworks and invest in technologies that enable seamless data integration and validation.

3. Third-Party Risk Management

Many fintechs rely on third-party vendors for data, infrastructure, or other services.

Managing these relationships and ensuring their compliance with relevant regulations is a major challenge. Conducting thorough due diligence, establishing clear service level agreements, and monitoring third-party performance are essential for mitigating risk.

4. Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

Fintech firms are attractive targets for cyberattacks due to the sensitive financial data they handle. Implementing robust security measures, conducting regular vulnerability assessments, and having an incident response plan in place are vital for protecting against breaches and minimizing potential damage.

5. Balancing Innovation and Compliance

While innovation is key to success in the fintech industry, it's important to balance it with compliance considerations. New features and functionalities must be designed with regulatory requirements in mind from the outset. This requires close collaboration between product development teams and compliance experts to ensure that innovation doesn't compromise security or regulatory adherence.

5 Steps Achieve and Maintain Fintech Compliance

1. Establish a Dedicated Compliance Team

Build a team with expertise in financial regulations and industry best practices.

This team should be responsible for staying up-to-date on regulatory changes, conducting internal audits, and providing guidance to the rest of the organization on compliance matters.

2. Take a Proactive Approach

Don't wait for regulatory changes to happen.

Stay informed about upcoming regulations and proactively plan for implementation. This will help you avoid last-minute scrambling and ensure a smooth transition to new requirements.

3. Make Use of Advanced Technology

Invest in secure and scalable technology solutions that support data governance, compliance reporting, and risk management. These solutions should be able to handle large volumes of data, automate compliance checks, and generate reports efficiently.

4. Carry Out Regular Audits & Assessments

Conduct regular internal audits and external assessments to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in your systems and processes.

This will help you proactively address any compliance gaps and ensure ongoing adherence to regulations.

5. Partner with Experts

Managing compliance alone and in-house is hard enough, and managing the burden shouldn't rest solely on the organization's shoulders.

Consider partnering with a firm like Empaxis that specializes in compliance solutions for investment firms and fintechs.

We can provide the expertise and resources fintechs need in development, data management, testing, and security, helping them more easily navigate the regulatory landscape, implement best practices, and maintain a strong compliance culture.

Overcome Challenges and Stay Compliant

As the financial technology industry continues to grow and evolve, compliance also grows in complexity and difficulty.

By proactively addressing fintech compliance challenges and implementing effective strategies, it is possible to build trust with clients, protect and strenghten organizational reputation, as well as ensure the long-term success of their business.

Ready to take control of your compliance?  Contact Empaxis and see how we can help you navigate the regulatory landscape and build a future-proof compliance framework.

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